Starting from a blockage or physical imbalance, I lead the person to resolve their problem by also taking into account emotional causes.
This holistic approach results in creating strong bonds of trust with the people I help, thus enriching my observations and the solutions proposed.
Through three stories, I take you into my world and my way of thinking and working.
The story of Basile
I went to see Anne because my karate trainer told me that I lacked core strength, but I didn't know how to fix this issue, nor fully understand where it came from.
Anne immediately detected the cause, allowing me to comprehend what to do to change it.

After observing Basile in movement and testing his balance, the observation was simple:
Poor distribution of his power
This very common problem comes from a lack of inner stability. Basically, the skeleton is not supported enough, creating an imbalance in the muscles’ engagement. As a result, we compensate with excessive external force.
Consequences: lack of range-of-motion and fluidity in his movements.
In the event of a problem of this type, it may prove useful to reduce the intensity of your effort. By doing so, it’s easier to observe an improvement in your performance.
You can use a scale of zero to ten to assess your strength.
Emilie's story
Working with Anne allowed me to regain mobility in my upper body, because following a serious accident, I could no longer raise my arms.
Her anatomical knowledge and approach to the body in movement allowed me to regain fullness, comfort and a more positive mindset!

By helping Emilie align her body, it quickly allowed her to regain mobility in her movements.
Consequences: When the body is misaligned, it causes tensions that can become chronic.
My advice when you feel pain somewhere is to try and mobilize the area by making gentle movements.
It is always better to move slowly than not to move at all.
Christina's story
I consulted Anne for a range-of-motion issue with my swings while playing golf.
Her approach not only helped me improve my performance, but increased my awareness about the importance of a body-mind relationship.

When I met Christina, she had very little mobility in her trunk, with overpowering energy in her shoulders and arms. Her problem, just like Basile’s, came from a lack of internal stability, but also from a lack of use of the leverage of the legs.
Golf being a sport that actively works the core and arms, it actually requires a lot of grounding in the lower body.
Consequences: when this anchoring is missing or insufficient, the upper body freezes to avoid being carried away by the weight and speed of the club.
Warming up the legs is essential in golf.
To develop awareness of the leverage of the legs, you can imagine them as a boat keel. The longer the keel, the more stable and fluid your upper body will be!