The importance of the difference between goals and expectations

Do you show kindness to yourself when setting goals, or are you simply trying to achieve results at any cost?

I frequently ask this question of people I work with. The answer speaks for itself by manifesting thru their physical issues.

Danger represented by expectations

When we project ourselves elsewhere, beyond the present moment, the brain tends to feel pressure. This pressure manifests in the body and affects the fluidity of your movements. As a result, in terms of performance, this instantly reduces it.

To ensure your goals are not compromised, it is in your best interest to keep your body and mind aligned in the present moment and to connect with your well-being.

It’s a bit like the symbolism of the journey rather than the destination. When we live the journey, we savor the present moment by being attentive to what is happening around us and within us.

Unfortunately, the tendency is rather to want to go fast and often to do too much, which increases stress and the risk of injury.

The benefits of letting go

We’re condtionned to think and act to strictly succeed! As a result, everything we do generally has to meet this expectation.

The problem with this mental conditioning is that our body also feels compelled to do everything perfectly, instead of moving in a way that simply feels good.

Guilt puts pressure on the body

When you undertake psychological pressure, even self-inflicted, this affects your body and its performance.

By acting this way, you create muscular tensions that prevent you from moving freely.

The vicious circle

When you mind detects this physical blocks, it immediately associate them with something negative, thus creating doubt and fear in you.

The only way to get rid of this pattern is by bringing body and mind into a dance, here and now, respectfully of one another. It’s undoubteddly not only the most benevolent form of reaching goals but also the most efficient.

I’m always available to help you discover new sensations.

Don’t hesitate to contact me!

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